Before moving to the list of interesting persuasive essay topics, you should know about
What is a persuasive essay?
A persuasive essay explains a particular topic and tries to explain to the audience that your point of view is the most informed, sensible and valid on the topic. This is also known as the argumentative essay. Your persuasive essay can be based on anything that you have an opinion or you can give a clear argument about it. You are trying to present logic, research and ideas to excite the reader in a way or another way.
How to Write a Persuasive Essay?
Choose your topic
Once you have chosen your topic, then prepare as much as you can before writing your essay. Make sure your topic is something specific.
After this, research on your topic because before starting writing your essay will run the writing process smoothly by doing your research.
The basis of a persuasive essay is obviously a title. The title is a brief introduction to the idea that you’re ready to share. Don’t use too short or lengthy the title. The too short title is usually understood incomplete. And the long titles usually don’t hold the attention of the reader.
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Write the essay
A Persuasive Essay Has 3 Components
This is the opening paragraph of your essay. It contains the hook, which is used to grab the reader's attention.
A good introduction will tell the reader about your essay and make them want to continue reading. Unless it draws your reader on your side, you have not done your job.
In this introduce your topic briefly or present your point of view.
This is the heart of your essay, usually three to five paragraphs in length. In each paragraph examines one topic or issue used to support your context. These body paragraphs are those where you justify your opinion and give your evidence.
After all, the point of a persuasive essay is to transform your readers to your point of view. This is the final part of your essay. In it, you will connect the essay's main points and add them to your context.
Polish your essay
The time has come for effective revision. Read your essay from beginning to end. When you read your essay, you have to make sure that its organization is perfect for your target audience.
The last step is the editing and proofreading of your finished essay. To review spelling and grammar errors, read the essay in front of other people. And your friend, classmate or family member can read your essay and give you feedback. It can be very helpful in trying to decide how to improve your essay.
The next thing is the top 10 persuasive essay topics:
The government should impose household trash limits.
Nuclear weapons are an effective preventive against foreign attacks.
Domestic surveillance without a warrant should be legal.
Letter grades should be replaced with a pass or fail.
Each family should have a natural disaster survival plan.
Parents should talk to children about drugs at a young age.
Racial slurs should be illegal.
A security camera is an invasion of privacy.
Providing a judge with the sole power of decision-making.
Decreasing the level of pollution on the example of the US.
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