Finding the best way to study is an ongoing process. You should be constantly improving your study skills to better understand what works and what doesn’t. Learning how to study better helps avoid panic and frustration the next time big stress is coming up.
Mastering effective study habits not only makes it easier to learn but will also help you get better grades in exams.
Here are some tips which will let you know how to study effectively:-

1. Get organized:

Getting organized is an important first step to effective study.
Create a study plan. Decide what are your study goals for each semester or each week.
Plan to study at specific times each week, and schedule all of your activities in the calendar. Your schedule should include time for classes, meals, exercising, meals, studying, socializing, and personal tasks.
Keep your schedule balanced.
Prioritize your academic tasks. Work on harder subjects first while you have more energy.
2. Generate a positive attitude:

Put yourself in the correct frame of mind by reminding yourself of your strengths and your knowledge base.
Ask questions to be an active learner and to generate interest.
Make the subject meaningful to you in some way.
Reward yourself after each study segment by using breaks, food, walks, music, etc.
Gather with a small group of students from the class to study together, if you find group study helpful.
3. Prepare your study area:

Give yourself the best environment to focus on by choosing somewhere with enough light, a comfortable chair, and little to no distractions. Sit down with all that you need. This is something so simple but effective to help you concentrate and avoid interrupting your study time.
4. Pay attention in class:

It’s important to concentrate and avoid distractions when the teacher is speaking. Practice active listening by concentrating on what’s being said and taking notes in your own words. Make sure you hear and understand what is being taught in class.
5. Minimize distractions and overcome procrastination:

To study effectively you need to avoid distractions as much as possible. If you don’t find yourself turning to your phone to procrastinate, stop and take a proper break instead. Procrastination often creeps in because you are having trouble starting a task- it seems too hard, too boring or maybe too much. Break it down. Small, achievable steps with a time limit are an effective way to chip away at bigger tasks and stop procrastinating.
6. Study every day:

Shorter, regular study periods are more effective than marathon sessions. Frequent breaks will help you study more effectively. Plan to take a short break after every 50 minutes or so. If you’re studying for longer than 2 hours at a time, try switching to a different subject every hour. Whenever possible, study during the time of day when you’re most alert. Forcing yourself to study when you’re exhausted or distracted makes it much harder.
7. Compete with yourself:
Challenge yourself to increase the length of time you can concentrate, improve your mark on the next exam or accomplish more in a set amount of time.
8. Keep healthy: eat, sleep and move:

Look after yourself. Maintain your energy and boost your brainpower-get enough sleep, eat nutritious foods and exercise regularly. Taking care of your health will help you study at your best by improving memory, mood and energy levels, and keeping those stress levels down. Taking proper sleep is also necessary for effective learning, seven to nine hours is a good benchmark. Staying hydrated, eating three meals, and sticking to healthy snacks throughout the day will give you the fuel you need to focus. If you’re feeling a bit lethargic, try getting outside for some fresh air. 20-30 minutes of exercise or a walk around the block between study sessions will do you good!