13 Best Tips For Ielts Listening Test To Get 9 Bands
Do you know that listening is one of the most feared test modules of the IELTS exam?
Do you know that one of the most dreaded IELTS test modules is listening?
Almost all students who are preparing for the IELTS lack confidence in the IELTS listening module.
They are always looking for IELTS listening test tips in order to improve their test scores.
The most important module of the IELTS exam is the listening test; it can help you improve your overall score.
On the other hand, if you don't have the right information about this test, it can actually lower your scores rather than increase them.
I did a lot of research on Google, but I couldn't find a blog that provided comprehensive information on this subject.
They only share a few pointers and don't provide any background information.
Yes, those hints are also useful; I will include them in this blog as well.
However, this is not sufficient; you must go further and have complete information about it.
Ten Basic Tips For Ielts listening Test
Before going into detail about this topic, I will share some basic tips for the IELTS listening test that everyone should know.
If you are a busy person and don’t have the time to read a full blog, then you can read these tips and can have basic information about this test module.
What is the IELTS Listening Test Format?
Listening is the first test of the IELTS exam.
Candidates will listen to four recordings of English native speakers in this test, each of which will be of a different type.
After listening to the recordings, candidates must respond to the questions about those recordings.
This test will consist of 40 questions and will have a time limit of 30 minutes.
IELTS listening Section 1
Candidate will be asked to listen to a conversation between two English native speakers in an Everyday social context in the first section of the Listening test.
IELTS listening Section 2
The candidate will listen to a monologue set in an everyday social context in the second section of the Listening test.
For instance, there will be a recording of an English speaker delivering a speech on a topic such as local amenities.
Candidates must listen to this recording before answering questions based on it.
IELTS listening Section 3
Candidates will hear a recording of conversations between four to five people or more in the third section.
This discussion will be based on topics established in a training or educational context.
Candidates will hear recordings in this section of a university tutor or a student discussing their assignments or something similar.
How Do You Get 8 or 9 Bands in IELTS listening?
Before proceeding with this blog, let us first examine the IELTS listening system's grading system.
Knowing how you scored on this test and how your scores determine your band will help you plan your strategy for the IELTS listening task.
When you think about it, the format of the IELTS listening task isn't all that difficult.
The candidate will listen to four recordings before responding to 40 questions.
The candidate will receive one point for each correct answer.
The benefit that candidates have in this test is that there is no negative marking, so your score will not be reduced if you answer incorrectly.
So, that brings us to the end of this blog, in which I shared some of the best IELTS listening test tips.
Getting a good score on the listening test is easier than getting a good score on the reading and writing tests.
If you practise for this test for a few minutes every day, you should be able to get 8 to 9 bands.
Simply concentrate on improving your overall listening skills, which you can do by watching English news and shows.
You can start watching this content with subtitles and then switch to no subtitles after a while.